Why you DON'T need to depend on Social Security

February 16, 2021

Why you DON'T need to depend on Social Security

Social Security Won't Be There For You When You Retire

Well, this post might go a little differently than you're expecting. You should know, I'm not a big fan of social security. So, can you depend on Social Security when you retire? The short answer is - no, you can't depend on Social Security.

But the longer answer is, definitely not, and it's a trap! Not only can you not depend on Social Security to be there for you when you retire (no, this isn't going to be a post about if Social Security is running out - although that's something to consider too) but WHY is that what you're asking about?

They Require You Make Less Money

Many people who come to me are afraid to make money because they don't want to lose their Social Security. There are penalties for earning money while collecting social security, so they don't consider other options out of fear.

There are many other reliable alternatives out there that can meet and exceed your max earning potential with Social Security, so holding yourself back from these opportunities, to make sure you keep that small amount of money coming in, doesn't make much sense.

Would you be satisfied with a small amount of fixed money from the government, that tells you that you can't make any more money? Or would you prefer to take control over your own life and make sure you have enough money to cover your healthcare, living, travel, and other expenses? And have that money continue to grow year after year?

Replace Social Security With Passive Income

Instead of depending on the government to provide for you, what if you could guarantee your income after retirement? Why not create enough income that you don't have to worry about social security or health care? Then you won't have to worry about Biden's new Social Security Tax Plan, or if your Stimulus Check is coming in. You would already have a reliable, recurring income source.

Creating enough passive income to live off of, long after retirement, is NOT THAT HARD. We have been coaching alternative investment strategies for nearly 20 years, and have helped 1000's of people take control of their finances, and start depending on THEMSELVES instead of on the government.

Schedule a complimentary strategy session with on of our expert Wealth Coaches today, so they can show you how to take back your finances.

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